Sunday, 20 November 2011

International Transgender Day of Rememberance

International Transgender Day of Rememberance...........we do not forget, and some of us will not forgive those who kill one of our trans sisters/brothers. This is a day of rememberance for those trans brothers/sisters and their families and friends who have been killed by those who's bigoted attitude and fear spills over into violence. Id like to take this day to not only give rememberance to those who have died due to the hands of these hateful individuals but also to pass a message onto these transphobic people who have blood on their hands (or would like to take a shot at the opportunity) from myself and hopefully others who may agree.  I cannot speak for all transgendered individuals, so I will speak for myself and hope that some may find it agreeable -

You think you can kill us all transphobic haters?
Frighten us into submission?
Watch our mouths before we speak?
Hide ourselves away from you out of fear?
Impossible! You have lost before you have even begun!

For every one of us who are felled by your pathetic, inane bigotry, there are many many more who will take their place, you cannot defeat us all, we are legion. So think twice the next time you see a transgendered person walk down the street, and think they're easy targets. I will warn you, some of us aren't and not all of us turn the other cheek.......

We will fight on for those who are afraid to speak,
We will fight on for those who cannot speak,
Our anger and outrage will be the force & fire
That fuels our Will unconquered by contempt and hate
And Triumph awaits us all............


  1. WAY THE GO ALLANAH ! Well said.

    They shall never win.. we will never let them they will collapse...

    All love from me Jasmine

  2. :-) Thank you my dearest sister!!! :-)
