Saturday, 17 December 2011

The Black Goddess Within

And the black sun of my own depravities
Plays through me like the devils violins
Pagannini notes singing dark vibrations
When the whip comes down the fire begins

And I watch you crawl my gorgeous little darling
With wicked laughter the harmony to your screams
And is this not what you wanted my fearful one
Locked between my thighs and into my extremes

The glories of this darkness bring forth gnosis
Heaven looks down and angels weep broken tears
As you're sucked into the depths of my decadence
Innocence despised by my lustful ghost of sneers

With your arms laid out like the crucifixion
And the weight of my crimson lips bearing down
You tossed and turned with passions breaking out
And between these bedsheets your purity will drown

Nestled in close to me, I watch my Severin sleep
His desires satiated to fever point he lies still
But the triumph of my Will is forever carnivorous
And the she-wolf needs more to satiate her chill


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